I am taking part in a Trash to Treasure Round Robin Swap with over 2 dozen wonderful folks on the forums at Polymer Clay Central. The swap is the brain child of host Tonja of
Tonjas Treasures She filled a med sized Priority Mail Box and sent it on it's way to a member across the pond, the box traveled around Europe for quite some time and somehow mutated into two boxes... you can follow the saga of the swap on Tonja's blog... it will save me a lot of writing and she tells the story must better than I can.
The box slowly made it's way back to the good ol' USA but it continued to grow so it was decided it should be sent back to Tonja where she could remove the gifts for herself and pare the remaining items down to a more manageable size. The box was, once again, sent on it's way to the next person on the list. The left over goodies were placed in a Mystery Box, folks then signed up for a drawing to take place on Jan 8.... and to make a long story short... I won.
Tonja mailed the box on the 12th. I received delivery information from USPS that the box was being delivered to my address today. I received notice not once, not twice but three times .. at 11:27Am, 2:57 PM and 7:17 PM This had me on pins and needles, I checked my front porch at least 42 times, I even walked down the block and checked my neighbors porches.... no box... when 5:00 PM passed I gave up hope and began planning what I was going to say to our post mistress when I call her in the morning. I was sitting in front of the computer muttering to myself when Corny, my PITA cat, kept bugging me to let her out the side door. Finally I gave in and when I opened the door... there it was on the step... the Mystery Box!! I don't know if the substitute postman was playing a trick on me... he is not my biggest fan.. or he goofed up again and delivered it to one of the apartments next door... we've had words about that in the past which explains why he's not my biggest fan.
Now do you want to see what was in the Mystery Box? You asked for lots of pictures so I took lots of pictures.
There is lots of neat supplies, tins to covers, stamps, rhinestones, beads and even a acrylic sheet to make swirly lentils.
Click on the photos for a closer look.

Tonja added more Treasures, sheets of transfer images made on her new printer, a cute collage, some of her texture stamps, and gorgeous fabric. Point of personal priviledge... I'm keeping some of this stuff!!

And a wonderful variety of polymer clay goodies...take a look

A couple liquid clay sheets along with beautiful hearts and tiles

Pendants, Pins, Beads and Tiles

Last but not least cool face jewelry and more pendants!!

Now, just so you know, the swap box has hit a snag. The person that received it on Dec 27 has dropped out of sight.... along with the box. Tonja has made a Herculean effort to contact the person but to date no answer. If we do not hear from her soon, I will add goodies to the Mystery Box and when Tonja gives me the word I will stumble to the post office, sniveling and whimpering all the way, and mail it to the next person on the list.