This week I have been working on hearts, this is the pendant I submitted for Week 4 of the
2015 Polymer Clay Challenge.
I made beads using the scrap ends of several Skinner blend canes, wrapped them in wire and added a open heart around the top bead. I am pleased with the way the pendant turned out.
Here is the back side, gives you an idea of how I secured the open heart in place. I "painted" the open heart with Decorating Chalks. First time I've used chalk on polymer clay, I like the vibrant colors and the ability for shading.
I made this hollow heart from scraps I was conditioning for bead guts. I liked the colors and surface texture so I cut a heart before I conditioned it to a blob of dull gray.
Heart beads made from Pardo Translucent Art Clay tinted with alcohol ink.
I used a blob of the gray scrap clay to fashion this heart. I wanted to see how the chalk would work on dark clay. I used red clay on one side shaded with blue....
And blue on the other side shaded with red. Worked pretty well.
Okay, that's it for today. I still have to add a photo to the Facebook page and the Pinterest page for week 4 2015 PC Challenge... and then I'm going to bed.
Tomorrow starts the "Thing A Day" challenge on Polymer Clay Central ..... So far I'm the only participant, yip, I'm a lonely little petunia but thats okay I'll just do it all by myself .... sob ( that suppose to make you feel guilty, did it work?) Let me tell ya it's a heck of a lot easier than the 2015 Polymer Clay Challenge, all you have to do is take a photo and post it on the daily thread.
Thanks for stopping by.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Friday, January 23, 2015
2015 Polymer Clay Challenge Week 3 WIP Wall Art
I am trying my hand at wall art. This is definitely a Work In Progress. I brought out some old scrap clay, warmed it up a bit and ran it through the pasta machine to the #4 setting. I then folded and squished it around to a shape I liked and cured it in the oven. I then tinted some Pardo translucent with alcohol ink and made flowers. I added glass pearl stamen and attached them to the scrunched clay. For now I am using cork board for the background but it's to fragile and the color isn't right so I need a different background, maybe a painted canvas or a piece of wood.
I wanted it bigger so I added a 2nd piece of the scrunched clay and a couple of my mixed media fish. I like the look of the fish but I'm thinking gold fish would stand out more, the blue one (at the bottom) kinda melts into the background.... the purple one stands out a little better.
I apologize for the pictures, I need a new chip for my camera so I had to take these with my iPhone.
Thats all for now. I want to watch Grimm at 8:00 so I better go fix dinner.
Thanks for stopping by.
I wanted it bigger so I added a 2nd piece of the scrunched clay and a couple of my mixed media fish. I like the look of the fish but I'm thinking gold fish would stand out more, the blue one (at the bottom) kinda melts into the background.... the purple one stands out a little better.
I apologize for the pictures, I need a new chip for my camera so I had to take these with my iPhone.
Thats all for now. I want to watch Grimm at 8:00 so I better go fix dinner.
Thanks for stopping by.
Friday, January 16, 2015
2015 Polymer Clay Challenge Week 2

Okay, I think I managed to "grab the button" for the Challenge and insert it on my blog..... we will see. Im pretty sure it is suppose to be somewhere else on the page but for now this is the best I can do. Someone click on it to see if it works.
I have a rather meager offering for this weeks entry..... just a hand full of cane flower beads I made for a friend.
I was planning to show a pair of salt and pepper shakers but I only finished one.... and I'm not sure I like it. You take a look and tell me what you think.
"Little houses under trees" is the theme but I'm not liking the purple background, to dark, don't you think?
This is the other side. I may experiment with a lighter background on the other shaker and see how it turns out.
Has anyone ever covered the lid? I'm may give that a try.
Now that I got the PC stuff out of the way be prepared for a long rant, I have had a technilogical week of hell! Really, I am lost without my grandson.
First I saw the 2015 Polymer Clay Challenge and thought "why not, that will be fun". Easy peasy right? All I have to do is make something, take a photo and post it.
Little did I know.... the instructions almost made me fall off my chair! Starting with the "grab the button" thingy and put it on your blog. I would explain all the twists and turns I went though but I can't for the life of me remember what they were, needless to say they did not work. I'm just hoping the thingy at the top of this post works for now. I have a week to try putting it in the right place.
Now here are the rest of the instructions: (Please keep in mind I am an old lady who still believes all this cyber stuff is magic.... most likely black magic. I don't know the correct jargon and I am most definitely technically challenged. )
- All challenges for the week are due by FRIDAY of that week.
- Be sure to post your challenge results on your blogs or website.
- Post your challenge results on our Pinterest Board.
- Post your challenge results on our FaceBook page.
- Post your picture in the corresponding WEEKLY Photo Album.
- Be sure to come over to the FB group and comment on each others posts.
I can and will post it on my blog. Doing good so far.
Now here's where the trouble starts. I go over to the Pinterest Board but before I can post my photo I have to join the board. Before I can join the board I have to email katersacres .... which I did. Here's the instructions I got back:
Thank you for your interest in being added to the board. In order to add you to the group board you must first do 2 things:
1) Follow ALL my Pinterest Boards here:
2) Send me your Pinterest URL so I can follow you & add you to the board.
Okay, I am now following ALL her Pinterest Boards and have sent her my URL ..... at least I think what I sent was my Pinterest URL .... (I am getting a headache!)
I will check later to see if I have magically been added to the group board (fingers crossed)
Next.... I am suppose to post my challenge results to the FaceBook Page. Did that but I was also suppose to post a link of the Facebook page to my blog which I couldn't do yet because I am still writing this post ...... aaagggh!! (I will edited it in later)
"Post your picture in the corresponding WEEKLY photo album" aaagggh! again! didn't I just do that?
I am now taking a break from my fun time joining the 2015 Polymer Clay Challenge. I will attempt to update you later.
Bear with me... here is another long rant.
Now for some unknown reason.... I apparently like to be punished.... I was invited to take part in the Jewelry Art Challenge on Facebook. Again, sounded like fun. Each day for 5 days I went through my old photos and picked out ones I wanted to share then posted them on Facebook and each day nominated a fellow artist to do the same.
So on Day 4, I think it was Day 4, I nominated my friend Eva to join the fun. Being a cracker jack typist I misspelled her last name which friend Ashely pointed out. So I messaged Eva to let her know she had been nominated. When she tried to find where I had nominated her she could not see the post or any of my photos. Now what have I done?
I then texted my very bright and helpful friend Jackie to mosey over to Facebook and see if she could see the photos .... she could not. Uh oh, this is not good. So Jackie and I go on a search as to why my photos do not show up on Facebook, it was a long search with Jackie telling me where to check and what do so, after what seemed like hours (actually it was about an hour) we discovered all my setting were "Private" only I could view my photos. Brilliant
To make a long story a little shorter I changed the settings to "friends". Problem solved....good to go, nope! The new setting only applies to future posts. In order to see the already posted photos I had to go back and edit each photo....which I did.
Keep in mind I have, over these many years, occasionally posted a photo of something never knowing I was the ONLY person who could see it. To tell you the truth it kinda hurt my feeling that no one ever left a comment.... Im not sure when or how I managed to make all my photos "private"... there was a time when I posted photos and other folks did see them. Maybe it was when I got my Mac, who knows.
I have more problems with my iPhone and my iPad..... I won't bore you with those, at least not right now. And changing my email addresses, what a nightmare!! Am I the only Grandma that has these problems? surly not!
Now that I am in the 2015 PC Challenge I will have to post on my blog at least once a week. Unless, of course , I failed to follow the instructions and get booted out. And in February we will be doing the TAD on PCC so I will post every day, that will be fun.
Okay I am headed over to Facebook to see if everything is still working, see you next week.
Thanks for stopping by.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
2015 Polymer Clay Challenge
In order to take part in the 2015 Polymer Clay Challenge I have agreed to make at least one new item per week and post it on my blog.... I can do that! Here is my first weeks entry.
Heart necklace and earring set: I used Hemalyke beads and matching wire to make the chain and the drops on the earrings.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was one of our best, all the family came to Eureka Springs and we enjoyed showing them around. We didn't have our usual gift wrapping challenge, to complicated with everyone having to travel.
I now have my jewelry for sale in one of the local Galleries. The Fantasy and Stone Gallery on Spring St. The gallery is filled will wonderful handmade items by some very talented artist. I will be showing you photos soon.
My dinner just arrived so I will close for now.
My New Years resolution.... blog on a regular basis, at least once a week!
Thanks for stopping by.
Heart necklace and earring set: I used Hemalyke beads and matching wire to make the chain and the drops on the earrings.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was one of our best, all the family came to Eureka Springs and we enjoyed showing them around. We didn't have our usual gift wrapping challenge, to complicated with everyone having to travel.
I now have my jewelry for sale in one of the local Galleries. The Fantasy and Stone Gallery on Spring St. The gallery is filled will wonderful handmade items by some very talented artist. I will be showing you photos soon.
My dinner just arrived so I will close for now.
My New Years resolution.... blog on a regular basis, at least once a week!
Thanks for stopping by.
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