Fritz watching tv. I have a small tv in my office, it sits on a little foot stool that is about 8" off the floor. It's the perfect height for Fritz to watch his favorite shows. He likes animal shows, Big Cat Diary is his favorite and anything with domestic cats or dogs. Does your cat watch tv? My other cat, Corny, could care less, she'd rather go outside and hunt little critters, she killed another bunny. 
Click on the photos for a closer look.Here is some of the antique jewelry I found while clearing out the basement. This first photo is single cufflinks that I've acquired over the years. Most were in old button boxes or tins. I've always thought I would find a use for them. Maybe I can figure out a way to use them with polymer clay. Any suggestions?
Antique pins. The cameo can be worn as a pin or pendant.
Mostly pins/brooches and a couple lockets.
A couple tortoise shell brooches, tie clasps, hairwork watch chain & fob, bars pins and rings.
Another watch chain and fob, slide chain, brooches, stick pins, earrings, and cuff links
Cuff links,watch fobs, cameo pendant, cameo bracelet and a couple brooches.
Lots of odds and ends. Mostly small bar pins, some mother of pearls pin, a heart locket and another watch fob. I still have to sort the sterling and crystal pieces and take photos. I knew there was jewelry down there.... just not that much.
Yesterday I found more buttons. They need to be sorted and then listed on Etsy. I have a gazillon old books, I've been sorting them too. Most will go to the auction but I'm keeping some to list on Etsy. And I have lots of advertising cook booklets. They have such fun illustrations and the recipes are good too... does anyone cook from scratch anymore? I do, but I'm old and have lots of time on my hands.
Now I am going to go take photos of buttons and books so I can list them in my antique shop on Etsy. My antique shop on Etsy is Swan Song Antiques . I'll let you know what else I find.